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On the Altopiano del Sole, near Borno, it is possible to go ski mountaineering during the winter months. The routes connect various municipalities of the Altopiano and can be used with due caution and with adequate equipment, including the avalanche transceiver (emergency locator for finding people buried under snow) shovel and probe.

The local section of the Italian Alpine Club organizes excursions of varying difficulty with experts who, with passion, professionalism, and always in total safety, will transform a day on the snow into a real, unique and unforgettable experience.


One of the most beautiful and famous ski mountaineering excursions on the Altopiano del Sole is the one that leads from Borno to the Varicla Pass at 2097 metres.

From Borno, following the Italian Alpine Club signs in the direction of Lago di Lova, you arrive in Lova and, crossing a small bridge, cross the tributary of the lake and continue along the mule track that reaches Colle del Mignone. From here, an incredible panorama opens up over the Lozio Valley, dominated by the Cimon della Bagozza and the Concarena.

Then descend to the Onder malga and head towards Pizzo Camino, turning left in a westerly direction and, following an old path that crosses a larch forest, you arrive at the Varicla malga, continuing up to the pass at an altitude of 2097 m. From here begins the spectacular return journey, almost all downhill.

On the opposite side however, it is possible to reach the top of Monte Altissimo without going up the slopes, but crossing the spectacular Val Sorda area. Here, the routes are many, passing through Pratolungo, Corvino or other marked trails.

Brief information

Diversi percorsi di tutte le difficoltĂ 
PossibilitĂ  Noleggio attrezzatura
Percorsi segnalati
Escursioni guidate